Spin2win is a steam game key giveaway app found on the BinxTV Twitch channel.
Not to be confused with the Streamer Spin2Win, the Binx Spin2Win crowd-play game operates solely on the Binx Twitch.tv channel. The same channel where Binx has the pleasure of round the clock guest Streamer members joining us from throughout the Binx community.
Each and every hour, a !Spin kicks off. With the famous Spin2win color circle animating into the screen and encouraging any Binx member to enter “!spin” into chat. With the chance to win a FREE Steam game keys, BinxCoins, or BinxCards.
In-between spins, viewers are encouraged to join any of the three crowd-play chat game; !RGB, !WordGuess and !Race2000.
Here are all the command option for each chat game:
• Type (!game-rgb) to start the game
• You 5 minutes before all bets are stopped & the results are shown in chat
• Type (!bet-rgb 10 blue) (10 can be any number of BinxCoins)
• Type (!wordhint) to see the hint for the word you need to guess
• Then use (!word 1 yourguess) (1 is the coin pay to guess the word.)
• You can view list of past Word Game winners here
• Pick a number between 0 and 2000
• Use command (!race 10 999) (999 is your guess for the secret number)
• First person to correctly guess the secret number wins the Prize Pot