Membership Partners

Can I loose partnership status

How Can We Help?

Yes. It is possible to loose partnership status.

We have, recently, updated our partnership information on discord. Here is a clip of postings from there:


We’re making some changes within the Binx community to really emphasize the need for streamers to network, and to reward loyalty. We’ll be rewarding networking within the featured streamer’s chat more aggressively, but also reducing rewards for those who don’t contribute.

Most of you are doing an amazing job, but moving forward all Binx partnerships will be evaluated at the end of each month. If a minimum amount of networking with Featured streamers hasn’t been done, partnership will be removed. Other factors will be considered also, such as link to Binx and art on Twitch panel, etc.

Not to worry, we’re not asking for much, just some level of interaction and involvement to help your fellow streamers. Also, if you lose partnership, you can always apply for it again!

We’re also going to be more aggressively adding new partners, and working on more promotional activities to help involve the community. As well as adding a new incentive to all Featured streams, and Binx games.

We have an awesome community here, and we really appreciate what everyone has done to help it grow and improve!


If you need help with partnering issues, please do jump to our discord community and DM a staff member there. We would love to reconnect with you and work to return you to partner status 🙂